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Annotations are important for linting. They help the linter to understand what a function is supposed to return, what the function does, and what the parameters are supposed to be. This helps you to find errors and potential problems in your code.

This section will cover the annotation of Lua code using the Lua VSCode extension from sumneko. But only parts of it. For a full list of annotations, you can check the Lua Language Server Documentation

Function signatures

Function signatures are important for linting. They help the linter to understand what a function is supposed to return, what the function does, and what the parameters are supposed to be. This helps you to find errors and potential problems in your code.

This is how a function signature is written in Lua:

--- Comment explaining what the function does
---@param param class/type Explanation of the parameter
---@param param2 class/type Explanation of the parameter
---@return class/type variableName Return result
function functionName(param, param2)
    -- Your code here

Here is an example of a function signature:

--- Add two numbers together
---@param num1 number The first number
---@param num2 number The second number
---@return number sum result of both numbers
function addNumbers(num1, num2)
    -- Calculate the sum of num1 and num2
    local sum = num1 + num2
    -- Return the sum
    return sum
addNumbers(5, 10) -- Returns 15

Classes / Custom Types

Classes and custom types are important for linting. They help the linter to understand what a table contains and what the properties are supposed to be.

This is how a class is written in Lua:

---@class ClassName
---@field field1 class/type Description of field1
ClassName = {
    field1 = nil, -- Set default value
--- Description
---@param param1 any
---@param param any
function ClassName.function(param1, param)

Here is an example of a class:

---@class ExtendedPlayer
---@field accounts table<string, table> The accounts of the player
---@field coords vector3 The last known position of the Player
---@field group string The current permission group of the player
---@field identifier string The players Rockstar Identifier(has char index with multichar in the front, example: char1:[identifier])
---@field inventory table The players inventory
---@field job table The players job and grade
---@field loadout table The current weapons of the player
---@field name string Returns the name of the FiveM name or consists out of the "firstname lastname" when ESX identity installed.
---@field playerId number The playerId/source of a player
---@field source number The playerId/source of a player
---@field variables table
---@field weight number Current player weight
---@field maxWeight number The max weight a player can handle
---@field metadata table Saved metadata
---@field license string Player license
ExtendedPlayer = {}
--Returns the player's current coordinates on the server. The optional boolean useVector argument is for returning a vector3 type. 
--Keep in mind that the coords sync interval can be adjusted in the configuration file in case you want to get precise player coords.
---@param useVector? boolean Returns an vector3 type if set to true, and normally a table with x, y and z pairs
---@return vector3|{x: number, y: number, z: number} coords
function ExtendedPlayer.getCoords(useVector)
    return coords