Player Data
Information about the player
The playerdata of a player contains a lot of values for further explanations please go to their respecting tab.
How to get playerdata
You can get the playerdata by indexing the xPlayer object as it also contains everything(excluding client only data).
If you want to use PlayerData in your script you should use the import method to get the ESX object. It automatically gets the ESX object for you and refreshes your locally saved PlayerData object. Read Import method Tutorial for further details.
And can then accessed via ESX.PlayerData
Visualized example what is contained, not actual data
PlayerData = {
coords = vector3(0, 0, 0),
ped = PlayerPedId(),
group = "user",
identifier = "char1:1ee4f3096a4051f782385478ddd133f883114876",
inventory = {},
job = {},
loadout = {},
name = "Knoblauchbrot",
playerId = 1,
source = 1,
variables = {},
weight = 12,
maxWeight = 24,
metadata = {},
admin = false,
license = "license:1ee4f3096a4051f782385478ddd133f883114876",
dateofbirth = "01/01/2000",
height = 181,
dead = false,
firstName = "John",
lastName = "Doe",
sex = 0,
money = 187,
accounts = {}